Hardware in the Fashion Industry and where to find the most stylish ones

April 12, 2021

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Fashion and Hardware. What is hardware doing in Fashion you might ask if you only think of nuts, bolts, pulleys, cables, and shackles as hardware! Or do you, like Google, think of Computer Hardware first? But take a look at your favorite purse, handbag, wallet, or even your leather belt and jacket. Do you notice all the pieces of metal that actually make the accessories work? Yes, the buckles, dee rings, trigger snaps – those are what I am talking about!

Let’s take a leather belt for example. Did you know that there are at least 23 types of belt buckles alone? 20 of them classified according to shape include double ring, auto-grip, flip closure, double side, reversible and pin buckles, and the three types according to attachment mode are screw closure, clamp closure, and stitch closure varieties. You can be sure to find a few of these varieties including imitation and loose roller buckles in die-cast rust- proof metal with nickel or brass plating at www.baronhardware.com

Why don’t we take handbags next? Can you guess the number of components that go into making a handbag? Aside from the integral fabric, frame, sliders, zippers, bag bottoms, etc., have you really stopped to think how much difference the colour of the dee rings or the quality of the swivel snap hooks that hold the straps, or the beauty of the buckles and sliders have influenced your purchase decision? Of course, it’s not just the aesthetics. The trigger snaps are vital for the protection of the contents in the bag and help prevent accidental openings at the most inopportune times.

The one place you can definitely find beautiful and hardy rings, snaps and hooks is at Baron Hardware! You can call 800-368-8585 or write to sales@baronhardware.com to place your order and you can be assured of answers to all your questions from the very helpful salespeople at Baron.

What about the metal parts in bikers jackets and stylish wallets? The different rings, hooks, chains and sometimes even nuts and screws in the most unusual places are what make these fashion accessories not just hip, but eminently usable too, don’t you think? To all the manufacturers of leather goods and accessories, we would strongly recommend that you take a look at https://baronhardware.com/products/. to find the best quality Fashion hardware including hooks, snaps, buckles and chains at a cost 20% less than market prices.

How does Baron Hardware manage that, you ask? Well, America’s Leading Hardware Distributor and Supplier sources from all around the world to be able to bring you pure metal and alloy components that go through three stages of rigorous quality checks and reach you within three days of your ordering, thanks to Baron’s always available stock!

What are you waiting for? Whether you are a retail hardware store owner who wants to cater to local customers who are into arts and crafts/handicrafts/designing projects or the purchasing head for leather goods and fashion accessories manufacturers, Baron Hardware helps you stay connected! Call 800-368-8585 to know more now!